A wide variety of Agriculture businesses that grow a variety of foods, or produce fuels or other raw materials, is a specialty of WorldClassRanches.com with Agri-businesses for sale, sod farms for sale, and feed lots for sale across Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas counties.
Cow/calf and Stocker Operation 2344 acre Ranch
Okmulgee County, OklahomaTotal Acres: 2344
Price/Acre: $$3750.00
- 95% open pasture, 30 ponds, Home
- Working facilities, barn, Hay shed, shop
- A true grass farm, good fencing, easy access
Sandy Brock Bahe
Preconditioning Operation Vernon, TX 288 acres
Wilbarger County, TexasTotal Acres: 288 Acres
- Turnkey: Real estate, and equipment
- Exceptional water wells, fenced, cross-fenced
- Steel working facilities for one-man operation
Sandy Brock Bahe
5108 Fords Mill Road, Versailles, KY
Woodford County, KentuckyTotal Acres: 78.5
- Horse farm, cattle farm, hay farm
- 2,800 s.f. insulated, drywalled and heated shop
- 5 bedroom home & Barndominum
Brett Franklin