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Tommy Holbrook


Tommy Holbrook Christian, Husband, Father, Sportsman and Land Manager

  • BS in Wildlife & Fisheries Ecology OSU
  • MA Organizational Dynamics OU
Work Experience:
  • Biomedical Research Manager of The Baboon Research Resource for The University of Oklahoma Department of Comparative Medicine 2006-2017
  • Environmental Program Specialist for the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality 2017-2024
  • Tommy J. Holbrook & Jennifer L. Kisamore (2018): The effects of media slant on public perception of an organization in crisis, Social Influence, DOI: 10.1080/15534510.2018.1442741
Volunteer Activities:
  • Provided Humanitarian aid for Ugandan orphanage, assisted with building schools and digging drinking water wells for the orphans.
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